

- 作者:Abby Weingarten

在历史性法庭的第二天 判决 in Minnesota on April 20—when activists worldwide were reflecting on civil rights 和 the power of 抗议—New College alumna Giulia Heyward was writing about it.

的 young journalist had spent the past two months compiling an in-depth piece 为 政治报 on the impacts of sweeping anti-抗议 legislation nationwide (和 its ramifications).

“Following the summer’s widespread racial justice 抗议s after the killing of George Floyd, Republican lawmakers in 34 states have introduced sweeping anti-riot bills,海沃德写道. “Democrats 和 civil rights groups have spent months warning that these bills will infringe on citizens’ rights to 抗议, affect rates of incarceration 和 could be an attempt to silence 黑人的命很重要 和 other racial justice 抗议ers.”

海沃德的文章很及时, but it was just one of numerous stories she had written about social justice since graduating 从 New College in 2018—为 every major outlet, 从 《新博网址是多少》 to 华盛顿月刊.

Exposing the inequities in society has always been integral to Heyward’s mission as a writer. 的 events of the past year have only electrified her passion.

作为一名记者, when you get to report on an issue that everybody has their eyes on, 每个人都在收看, it makes your work feel that much more significant,海沃德说. “乔治·弗洛伊德的案子, 例如, it wasn’t just Minnesota or the rest of the United States that was watching. 全世界都在关注. Police brutality 和 the 黑人的命很重要 movement feel like the story of our era right now.”

That story is one Heyward has told, in her own way, her whole adult life.

Her New College thesis, 例如, was 题为 黑人的命很重要! 的 Representation of Black Activism in the Press. She spoke at the 2018 New College commencement with two of her peers (Miles Iton 和 Leen Al-Fatafta) in a speech about activism, 声明, “We are students who leave class to get into cars to ride-share to 抗议s. We are students who navigate conversations to advocate, 不仅仅是为了我们自己, but 为 our 研究员 peers…It is our peers who we have worked with, 抗议ed with 和 advocated 为 that will remain our co-conspirators 为 the rest of our lives.”

Heyward has strengthened her advocacy 和 activism ever since that speech. 她才刚刚开始.

In June, she will move 从 her hometown of Miami to New York City to work as a 纽约时报 研究员 为 one year—reporting 为 the national desk 和 joining a group of 33 研究员s who were chosen 从 more than 3,全球有5000名申请者. 的 highly competitive opportunity will come only a month after Heyward, a fully-funded Roy H. Park Fellow 和 Tom Wicker Award recipient, graduates with a master’s degree in media 和 communication 从 the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (和 completes a legislative internship with 政治报, where she has been covering criminal justice re为m in Florida).

Transitioning straight 从 graduate school to  纽约时报 研究员ship, in the middle of a p和emic, feels somewhat surreal 为 Heyward, she said.

“With the media right now, there’s a lot of job insecurity. So, it feels like a combination of both good luck 和 hard work that I was able to find full-time employment post-grad,海沃德说. “I know that’s not everybody’s story immediately after getting out of school. 的 fact that I was chosen out of thous和s of people who applied is just wild. All of the other 研究员s are so impressive, I feel super honored.”

不仅仅是“好运和努力”,” it has been Heyward’s unstoppable work ethic that has propelled her in her career (a skill she cultivated during her New College years as editor-in-chief of the student-run newspaper, 的催化剂).

“I think New College really helped me foster this idea of constantly learning 和 engaging, not being afraid to try new things (even if I won’t do as well as I think I will),海沃德说. “Because of my experience at New College, I just really encourage students now to pursue interdisciplinary education in that way.”

Heyward took that interdisciplinary foundation with her to graduate school, 她在那里为 UNC Hussman School of Journalism 和 Media 题为 A New Day 为 Queer People in the South: Reporting on Anti-LGBTQ Legislation in North Carolina.

她写过 浴室的账单  大西洋, 仇恨罪行法例  反歧视法案  大会, 矫正治疗法例  印第一周. 她最近和 CBS新闻 about the prospects of police re为m in the aftermath of the Derek Chavin trial.

“的re’s a lot of historical relevancy to the 判决 in the Chauvin trial, that historical significance feels as if it may be a turning of the tide,海沃德说. ‘But I still think that we really need to be paying attention to what happens in the next few months. 作为一名记者,工作从未停止.”

It is a job that fills Heyward with a sense of purpose.

“过去的一年, I’ve been honored to cover a lot of legislation 和 public policy, how it affects our everyday lives,海沃德说. “I want to be writing stories that I’m passionate about—stories that will be having an impact 和 affect profound change in the way people live their lives.”

欲了解更多关于海沃德的信息,请访问 giuliaheyward.com/work 跟着她走 推特.

阅读更多关于海沃德的信息 书院最新消息,请访问 mediagate-egy.net/news/news/journalist-alumna-makes-global-impact.